Monday, September 14, 2009

First day of work and a query

First day of work today. My head is still spinning with the names of all of my new colleagues and the new information that I am required to stuff into my brain (which has suffered since having children...mommy brain anyone?). Learning about "registrars" (residents), "lead maternity carers" (midwives who provide prenatal and postpartum care to women and families), and the ins and outs of a Baby Friendly Hospital. Have I mentioned that this is the perfect job for me? I know there will be challenges, as there are with any job, but this is really, truly a great opportunity for me.

My new colleagues held a mid-morning "tea" for me which was lovely. I met many of the midwives and found that about half of them were from the UK. Somehow, we started talking politics (maybe I brought it up! Go figure!) and this led to a discussion about the current debate in the US around universal health care. One of my colleagues just bluntly asked "Why would anyone be against universal health care?" While I wanted to unleash my wrath on the no-good Republicans (I just typed "Repuke-likans" on accident! Maybe this term will catch on!), I restrained myself and then thanked my lucky stars that I get to experience working in a health care system that provides universal health care. Hip hip hooray!

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