Sunday, November 15, 2009

Guest of honor

We had our first guest over for brunch last weekend. R is one of the only people we knew in New Zealand before coming over here. She is the step mother of an old and dear kiwi friend of mine from my middle school years in Corvallis. We stayed with her on our honeymoon back in 2004 and have kept in touch the last few years. We even got to see her in Portland a few years ago since her sister lives there.

We had a splendid meal of veggie frittata, homemade blueberry muffins, strawberries and some bubbly for the occasion. And lots and lots of good conversation. We are so happy to have her here in Christchurch.


  1. your dear kiwi friend...this is bringing back memories...are you talking about Karen (pronouced CAR-IN)...I'll send you an invite to my blog!

  2. Hi Karen,

    Yep! Karen (pronounced Car-in) is exactly who I am referring to. We have kept in touch over the years. I'll look for the invite to your blog. Hope you are well!
